Your Cigna Card

Why do I need the Cigna card?

The Cigna card identifies you as a member when you go to a facility belonging to our Medical Provider Network. This means you will not have to make any direct payment for the medical care you receive.

Medical Network Use

Do I have a free choice of hospital doctors within Cigna’s Medical Provider Network?

Yes, the services approved by Cigna can be chosen freely. In other words, you can choose your doctor or specialist, provided that he/she belongs to our Medical Provider Network.

What is an approved medical facility or specialist?

Those medical facilities or specialists with which Cigna has a cooperation agreement and where, in order to receive medical care, all you have to do is identify yourself as a member by presenting your Cigna insurance card without the need to make any payments whatsoever.

Services Use

I have just taken out insurance with Cigna and they have told me that I have an exclusion period of 8 months for childbirth. What does that mean?

The 8-month exclusion period for childbirth means that during the first eight months of your policy, you are covered for care during pregnancy as well as for all the necessary tests during this period.

What do I have to do if I want to add of my newborn child?

You have one month from the date of birth to add a newborn child:

  • If you have company health insurance, you must notify the human resources department to allow them to make the necessary arrangements.
  • If you have individual insurance, you must contact our Customer Service team who will tell you what you need to do to request the addition.
My child has just been born. What cover does he/she have while in hospital?

If the birth was covered by Cigna, we will bear the medical and hospital costs for the newborn’s first 7 days of life, provided that the baby remains hospitalized without interruption in the hospital where he/she was born.


The breakdown of co-pays that I have received does not match the use I have made of the services. What do I need to do?

Please check the co-pays received thoroughly.Bear in mind the fact that the medical acts may be technical words that may therefore differ from the common name used for certain investigations. In addition, the facility or medical professional issuing the co-pay may do so using their corporate name rather than their trade mark. If you still have any questions in this regard, contact our Customer Care department on 91 418 40 40 / 93 301 06 56  who will explain all the concepts to you.

I have taken out a policy with co-pays. When will I be invoiced for it?

The co-pays will be generated automatically every time use is made of particular Cigna medical services (check the specific conditions of your policy). Cigna will send you the statement with the related breakdown during the following month.

In my policy, there is a table of co-pays. What are co-pays exactly?

The health insurance may include co-pays, meaning the specified amount per service that the Member will pay as a shared cost when he/she accesses medical care within our network of Approved Medical Services.
Only some policies include co-pays. Check the conditions of your policy carefully to learn about your case.

If you want to know more about co-pays, you can consult our How co-pays work section.


In which cases is prior authorization by Cigna required?

In the event of hospitalization, surgery, treatments and certain diagnostic investigations. Call our Customer Care department on 902 363 666 48 hours beforehand in order to check your cover. In an emergency, such authorization is not required. Some facilities may additionally request authorizations for other investigations and/or treatments.

Medical and dental prescriptions

In which cases do I need a dental prescription?

You will have to request a prescription when you request dental X-rays and orthopantomograms. The prescription must be written out by a specialist from Cigna's dental provider network at a dental radiology facility recommended by Cigna. Remember that if the prescription for a dental X-ray was not issued by a dentist from our medical provider network, the approved radiology clinics are not obliged to comply with our dental fees.

When is a medical prescription required and who can issue the prescription?

A prescription is always necessary when you need to undergo any investigation, treatment, hospitalization and/or intervention and will have to be issued by a registered physician.  It will also be necessary to request authorization from us for the treatment or intervention.

Your Medical Insurance Coverage

Are the treatments included in Cigna +Salud covered in my policy and are they therefore free?

The treatments included in Cigna +Salud are not covered in the policy, but you can take out additional cover for them with exclusive discounts as a Cigna member.